May the light that is within me ...
Be the light before me
May I see that light in all
May the sound I utter
Reveal the light within me
May I listen to it while others talk
Bob Moore (1928-2008)
I invite you to find inspiration for developing human resources at The Power-Design regi; working for creativity during integral understanding.
I am looking forward comming to you for working as a specialist in using tools of the Greek Muses - as if they were living today.
And they are infact. They give us tools for inspiration and protection, for peace and absorption - for connection with "The Living Rivers of Water" - the real Power when used in harmony with the rools of God, so to speek.
Music and singing from our hearts is in connection with something unbelievable.
When we sing we are brought behind our words and feelings, directly into the core.
It brings us to the almost deeper part of us - the deepest part of our selves; just as it does practicing 20 minutes of Power-Singing and following up with drawing the mandalas.
As a natural reality follows the very deep silence; a place from where the brain and the whole body & soul are in a healing process. We then get "advices" and "answers". We understand what we believe as possible when asking for and getting in contact with God in us.
"All is well and all is well and all manner of thing shall be well", words spoken by St. Julian of Norwich, an anglican christian saint (1342-1416).
I offer supervision and mentoring to people who are ready for their next step ...
Allow yourself to "step insite" this magic world.
Please do contact me if you feel for it and want to get my help.
May God bless You,

Birgit Lynge